UK to designate data centres as ‘critical national infrastructure’

This new designation aims to bolster protection for the servers and IT systems that are crucial to the country’s communications and digital economy. According to the government, this new classification will place data centres on par with essential services like water and energy. OUR TAKEBy classifying data centres as critical national infrastructure, the UK government…

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GPX Global Systems: Leading carrier-neutral data centres in Africa

GPX is a privately owned company that specialises in designing, owning, and operating state-of-the-art, carrier-neutral data centres in Africa and South Asia, offering Tier 4 certified design infrastructures and genuine carrier neutrality. GPX’s carrier-neutral data centres enable customers to select optimal service partners and facilitate seamless traffic exchange, cost minimisation, and high-quality service delivery, fostering…

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UK to class data centres as ‘critical national infrastructure’

The UK government’s decision to classify data centres as “critical national infrastructure” places them alongside essential systems like energy and water utilities. This new status will empower the government to provide targeted support to data centres during critical incidents, thereby reducing potential economic disruptions. OUR TAKEThe designation of data centres as CNI is a clear…

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