SCPT’s CEO Sandra Tshibonge Mbiye visits Lubumbashi

  • Sandra Tshibonge Mbiye, SCPT CEO, conducts meetings with staff in Lubumbashi, focusing on improving working conditions and understanding local challenges.
  • The visit includes a comprehensive tour of the Lubumbashi Post Office and a general assembly with provincial staff to discuss concerns and future goals.
  • On July 22, 2024, Sandra Tshibonge Mbiye, Director General of the Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications (SCPT), began her official visit to Lubumbashi in the Haut Katanga province. This visit marked a crucial step in her mission to assess and enhance the working conditions and operational effectiveness of the SCPT’s provincial offices.

    Sandra Tshibonge Mbiye’s Visit to Lubumbashi

    During her visit, Sandra Tshibonge Mbiye met with the leadership of the Haut Katanga provincial office, followed by a thorough tour of the Lubumbashi Post Office. The tour included inspections of telecommunications facilities, postal services, and health services. This hands-on approach allowed her to assess the working conditions and operational state of the facilities firsthand. The visit concluded with a general assembly where Mbiye engaged in a candid and constructive dialogue with the staff. She listened attentively to their concerns and outlined her vision for achieving SCPT’s goals through collaborative efforts.

    “Engaging directly with our staff and understanding their challenges is crucial for achieving our objectives. I am committed to working together to enhance our services and meet the needs of our customers.”

    About SCPT

    The Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications (SCPT) is the leading postal and telecommunications service provider in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With a mission to enhance communication and connectivity across the country, SCPT operates a wide range of services including postal delivery, telecommunications, and digital solutions. The company is committed to improving its infrastructure and services to meet the growing needs of its customers. For more information, visit theirofficial website.

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