Chief Telecom: How Taiwan is shaping the future of digital infrastructure in Asia

  • Chief Telecom expands its cloud and network infrastructure to bolster digital inclusion in Asia-Pacific.
  • The company’s investment in cybersecurity and AI showcases its commitment to innovation and growth in a competitive market.
  • In an exclusive interview withTim Chiang, Vice President ofChief Telecom, we uncover how the company is charting a bold course in Asia’s digital landscape. From expanding its cloud infrastructure to enhancing cybersecurity measures, Chief Telecom is not just responding to market demands but actively shaping the future of digital services in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Rising to the challenge of cybersecurity and digital infrastructure

    In an era where cybersecurity threats are growing ever more sophisticated, Chief Telecom stands at the forefront of the battle to protect digital infrastructure. Tim Chiang, Vice President of Chief Telecom, shared that the company is actively collaborating with tech giants like Microsoft, Trend Micro, F5, and Cymetrics to deliver robust cybersecurity features. “We’ve partnered with leading firms to enhance our cybersecurity capabilities, incorporating advanced technologies like Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and DDoS mitigation services,” Chiang explained.

    What truly sets Chief Telecom apart is its comprehensive approach to security. Beyond deploying cutting-edge technologies, the company focuses on building a culture of security awareness among its employees. Regular training sessions and internal audits are part of the strategy to maintain high security standards across all operations. “We will regularly conduct social engineering drills to raise awareness about cybersecurity among our employees,” Chiang emphasised.

    For the full Q&A article, please refer to the link below.

    Also read:Chief Telecom’s innovative strategies for securing and expanding in Asia-Pacific

    Expanding cloud horizons: A vision for hybrid and multi-cloud solutions

    We recently invested NT$3.5 billion in the LY2 intelligent data center, designed to be a service node for global cloud and AI customers in the Asia-Pacific region. The LY2 supports both air cooling and liquid cooling, with power options ranging from 10KW to 150KW per rack. Since its launch in June 2024, the signed orders have already reached 80% of its designed capacity.

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    Chief Telecom’s ambitions stretch beyond just cybersecurity. Recognising the growing demand for hybrid and multi-cloud solutions, particularly among enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region, the company is expanding its cloud infrastructure to support this trend. The launch of the new Chief Cloud eXchange (CCX) platform is a testament to their innovative approach. “Our CCX platform allows enterprise customers quick access to cloud services from top providers like Google, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and AWS,” Chiang highlighted.

    This move is particularly significant in a region where data localisation and security concerns are paramount. Chief Telecom’s ability to provide both international and domestic cloud services, catering to sensitive data requirements, positions them uniquely in the market. Their recent investment of NT$3.5 billion ($114 million USD) in a new data centre, LY2, underscores their commitment to becoming the digital convergence centre of East Asia. This facility, which is already 80% utilised since its launch in June, is designed to support high-demand applications, including AI and cloud services.

    A strategic location advantage and future outlook

    Chief Telecom’s strategic vision extends beyond just building infrastructure—it is about positioning Taiwan as a hub for digital innovation in East Asia. “Taiwan’s central location in East Asia offers an unparalleled advantage in terms of network latency, making it an ideal site for service nodes through the fiber loops,” Chiang noted. This geographical advantage, coupled with their investment in infrastructure, aims to attract global cloud and AI customers to Taiwan.

    However, Chief Telecom’s ambitions do not end here. The company is also focused on expanding its domestic Internet exchange centre (IX) services, further enhancing Taiwan’s role as a digital gateway to Asia. Collaborations with international partners like JPIX, HKIX, and DE-CIX are set to strengthen their position in the global market. “We will continue to expand our network bandwidth and IX services to ensure seamless connectivity across Asia-Pacific,” Chiang asserted.

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    Navigating competitive waters with a forward-looking approach

    We are expanding our network bandwidth in Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific region. We have completed fiber loops among our IDC campuses (LY, HD, LY2) and island-wide fiber loops across Taiwan to provide high-speed network access in major cities, industrial parks, and science parks. Additionally, we are expanding the network backbone of submarine cable bandwidth to Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Philippines. Currently, we have over 1200G of network bandwidth available for customer services in the region.

    In the highly competitive international market for network services, especially within the Asia-Pacific region, maintaining a competitive edge is no small feat. Chief Telecom has adopted a forward-looking strategy, heavily investing in expanding network bandwidth and data centre capacities. Their goal is to build a robust ecosystem that fosters collaboration among diverse stakeholders—domestic and international carriers, submarine cable operators, and cloud providers. “By creating an environment where our customers can do business with each other and benefit mutually, we can sustain long-term growth,” Chiang explained.

    Beyond infrastructure: The role of digital inclusion

    Chief Telecom’s efforts go beyond infrastructure expansion and cybersecurity. The company is playing a vital role in promoting digital inclusion across the Asia-Pacific region. This commitment is reflected in their ongoing participation in initiatives like the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) 2024, where they engage in discussions on advancing network infrastructure and digital inclusion.

    Chiang’s insights reveal a company not just content with maintaining its market position but driven to lead the digital future of Asia. “Our vision is to become the digital convergence centre and the cloud/AI applications centre in East Asia,” he declared. This ambitious goal is backed by substantial investments and a clear strategic roadmap, positioning Chief Telecom as a pivotal player in the region’s digital transformation journey.

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    The strategies outlined by Chief Telecom offer a glimpse into the future of digital infrastructure in Asia. But beyond the technology and investments, what stands out is the company’s commitment to a human-centred approach. By focusing on training, awareness, and a collaborative ecosystem, Chief Telecom is not just building networks but also nurturing the communities that depend on them. In a rapidly evolving digital world, this focus on people as much as technology could be what truly sets Chief Telecom apart from its competitors.

    While digital infrastructure is critical, the emphasis on education and partnership reflects a deeper understanding of the social impact of technology. It is this combination of technological innovation and human-centric policies that might just be the secret ingredient in Chief Telecom’s recipe for success. As they continue to expand and innovate, their journey will be closely watched—not just as a business story, but as a model for how companies can thrive by putting people first in a digital age.

    About Chief Telecom

    Chief Telecom is a leading telecommunications company based in Taiwan, renowned for its innovative services in cloud computing, cybersecurity, and network infrastructure. With a strong foothold in the Asia-Pacific region, the company specialises in providing comprehensive solutions that cater to the diverse needs of enterprises, including hybrid and multi-cloud services. Chief Telecom is committed to driving digital inclusion and advancing network infrastructure, positioning itself as a pivotal player in the region’s digital transformation journey. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships, Chief Telecom continues to expand its service offerings and maintain a competitive edge in the fast-evolving global market.

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