Brandon Seir on Kacific’s expansion: Affordable connectivity for remote regions

  • Kacific Broadband Satellites Group has rapidly expanded its reach to 27 countries, focusing on connecting remote and underserved regions in the Asia-Pacific.
  • Through innovative solutions, including end-to-end infrastructure services, emergency connectivity, and partnerships with governments and enterprises, Kacific is addressing the unique challenges of these markets.
  • Brandon Seir highlights the company’s long-term strategy to sustain growth, capitalise on emerging opportunities, and continue providing affordable, flexible solutions that differentiate it from traditional satellite providers.
  • Kacific Broadband Satellites Grouphas become a vital player in delivering connectivity to some of the most remote and underserved regions in the Asia-Pacific. As a regional leader, Kacific’s focus on innovation, flexibility, and infrastructure development sets it apart from traditional satellite providers. In this exclusive interview,Brandon Seir, Chief Commercial Officer of Kacific, discusses the company’s rapid expansion across 27 countries, the challenges of operating in diverse markets, and how Kacific is positioning itself to meet growing demand while driving future growth. With a strong emphasis on partnerships, tailored solutions, and sustainable technology, Kacific is at the forefront of the evolving satellite broadband landscape.

    Q:Kacific has rapidly expanded its coverage to 25 markets. What have been the biggest challenges and successes in achieving this scale, and how do you plan to sustain this growth?

    A:Thank you for having me. To give you more context, Kacific has been growing steadily over the past few years. We launched our first satellite in 2019, and today we cover 27 countries, having recently expanded into markets like Pakistan and Afghanistan. One of the biggest challenges has been the complexity of scaling infrastructure in remote areas, often with limited local resources. However, our success lies in becoming more than just a satellite provider – we manage towers, power, and infrastructure for telecom operators in rural areas. We’re also focusing on partnerships with governments, particularly in sectors like health and education, where we connect clinics, schools, and community centres.

    Our mobile backhaul services account for about 25% of our business, and we’ve seen tremendous growth through our government and enterprise partnerships. Sustaining this growth will require ongoing innovation, especially in emergency solutions and infrastructure services. For example, we’ve developed cost-effective motorised antennas and satellite solutions that are more affordable and scalable, which helps us stay ahead in a competitive market.

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    Q:How does Kacific differentiate itself from other players in the industry?

    A:We operate in a unique space by integrating infrastructure, connectivity, and power as services – all in one offering. We cater to governments, telecom operators, and enterprises, and what sets us apart is our end-to-end management. Unlike traditional satellite service providers, who often focus on wholesale or franchise models, we dive deep into providing tailored solutions for industries like construction and mining, where connectivity requirements vary widely.

    For example, construction companies need mobility and temporary 4G services, whereas mining companies need stable IoT connectivity for monitoring production. We provide customised solutions that meet these specific needs, making us more flexible and adaptable than many competitors.

    We operate in a unique space by integrating infrastructure, connectivity, and power as services – all in one offering. We cater to governments, telecom operators, and enterprises, and what sets us apart is our end-to-end management. Unlike traditional satellite service providers, who often focus on wholesale or franchise models, we dive deep into providing tailored solutions for industries like construction and mining, where connectivity requirements vary widely.

    Q:Kacific aims to achieve a 30% revenue market share in the satellite industry. Could you elaborate on the strategies in place to achieve this goal?

    A:Our strategy involves targeting markets that other operators tend to avoid – primarily underserved and remote areas. By focusing on these regions, we control the entire value chain, from infrastructure to distribution. This approach has allowed us to secure substantial revenue in markets like the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, where we manage a significant portion of the government’s connectivity budget.

    We also provide services beyond just connectivity. For example, we offer power solutions, manage telecom sites, and even build infrastructure for operators in remote locations. This combination of services strengthens our market position and will help us reach our goal of a 30% revenue share.

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    Q:How do you assess and select partners to enhance Kacific’s market presence?

    A:We place a strong emphasis on accessibility and local market knowledge. Our partners need to have a deep understanding of their region and the ability to provide services like installation, maintenance, and customer support. We train local distributors, whether they are appliance or air conditioning resellers, to resell and maintain our services, creating a robust network of over 450 partners across regions like Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

    Beyond that, we look at partners’ ability to invest in infrastructure and their capacity to deliver reliable services, ensuring that they align with our goal of providing end-to-end solutions.

    Q:With increasing demand for reliable broadband in underserved regions, how is Kacific positioning itself to meet this demand, and what role does innovation play in product development?

    A:Innovation is at the heart of what we do. We live in a time where connectivity is evolving, especially in underserved areas. People in remote regions don’t need fibre or 5G; they need affordable, reliable solutions that work in their environment. That’s where we come in with solutions like community Wi-Fi and fixed broadband, which offer connectivity over a 10 km range in remote areas.

    We’re also exploring more affordable emergency solutions, such as our 1.2m motorised antennas, and developing green power solutions. Our focus is on finding the right technology for the right areas and ensuring that it is both accessible and cost-effective.

    We live in a time where connectivity is evolving, especially in underserved areas. People in remote regions don’t need fibre or 5G; they need affordable, reliable solutions that work in their environment. That’s where we come in with solutions like community Wi-Fi and fixed broadband, which offer connectivity over a 10 km range in remote areas.

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    Q:What were the key learnings from Kacific’s retail customer campaigns, and how are they shaping your future strategies?

    A:One of the main lessons was the importance of price transparency. When we control the distribution chain, we can ensure fair pricing, avoiding inflated margins that make connectivity inaccessible. Another lesson was the need for creative marketing in regions where traditional methods like social media don’t work. We’ve found success with roadshows, TV, and radio campaigns that directly engage communities.

    Q:How does Kacific ensure that its marketing strategy aligns with its business objectives, and what role does creativity play in demand generation?

    A:Our marketing approach is different from other satellite operators. We focus on return on investment (ROI) for each product, tailoring marketing efforts to different segments – whether it’s businesses, governments, or consumers. Roadshows and local events have proven to be effective for B2B and government sectors, while for consumers, we rely on building local presence, as we did in Timor-Leste, where we started our own operations.

    Q:Can you share any insights on upcoming projects or new developments Kacific is working on?

    A:We’re excited about the development of our emergency solutions portfolio, particularly our affordable sat packs, which are 90% cheaper than other solutions in the market. We’re also expanding our power-as-a-service offerings, especially for telecom operators, combining connectivity and infrastructure to provide a full suite of services.

    You might also see us exploring new areas like data centres or other telecom-related services. We’re a very ambitious company, always looking for ways to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.

    Q:Finally, what are your long-term goals for Kacific in terms of market share and innovation?

    A:Our long-term goal is to become a global service provider offering managed services that remove cost barriers in underserved areas. We aim to provide infrastructure, connectivity, and power solutions that meet the unique needs of each market, while continually innovating to stay at the forefront of the evolving satellite broadband industry.

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